Monday, 8 April 2024
जोड्दैछौ अष्ट्रेलियाका नेपाली
HomeVideoLive दोलखामा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताले यसरी फोडे मतपेटिका Booth Attack In Dolakha

Live दोलखामा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताले यसरी फोडे मतपेटिका Booth Attack In Dolakha

This video was taken by local and uploaded in Facebook by Mr DSP. We would like to thank you all who was able to captured this incident with Mobile and uploaded to Facebook.
We are using it only to let the world updated to Nepalese historical election. Please feel free to write us if you have anything else regarding this video.


यस वेवसाईटमा प्रकाशित समाचार, विचार र लेखबारे तपाईको कुनै प्रतिक्रिया, गुनासो, सुझाव र सल्लाह छन् भने कृपया हामीलाई निम्न ईमेलमा पठाउनुहोला । तपाईको सहयोगले हामीलाई निष्पक्ष र तटस्थ पत्रकारिता गर्न टेवा पुग्नेछ । सम्पर्क इमेल :

तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया
